Existing original cloudmesh commands

This section includes the list of old cloudmesh commands. We provide this list here as inspiration and for discussion. The finalized commands will be in the “Commands” section.


  • –format should become –output? reasoning in api format is keyword.

In case we keep format we want to do output_format as api variable.

currently we have

  • list flavors and flavor list, ... maybe not needed and if the one should call just the other
  • –refresh in list seems useful
  • we need a refresh command that just refreshes and does not list
  • we need to urgently work on defaults for list columns
  • we need to work on vm/boot command.

Parametrized commands

Many commands take a number of parameters. Some of thes parameters can be easily referring to a number of different objects, while sing a parametrized syntax when specifying the command.

For example when using the string “machine[01-03]” in a parametrized argument we refer to machine01, machine02, machine03. As you can see it is a simple way of expressing arrays as part of a string. Additionally you can use , to add to it. Thus machine[01-03],machine[06-07] refers to the machines machine01, machine02, machine03, machine06, machine07. This flexible mechanism of specifying parameters is followed consistently within cloudmesh. We indicate in a manual page if a parameter is parametrized by including (parametrized) in its definition of the arguments

In addition we utilize in some cases also the PARAMETER... notation meaning that the parameter can be specified multiple times separated by a space. This is well known from many Linux commandline clients.


Refreshes the database with information from the clouds

    refresh status
    refresh list
    refresh CLOUD...


    CLOUD  (parametrized) the name of a cloud


    Refreshes are activated on all clouds that are "active". A cloud
    can be activated with the cloud command

       cloud activate CLOUD

        refreshes the information that we have about all

    refresh CLOUD...
        refreshes the information form the specific clouds

    refresh status
        as the refresh may be done asynchronously, the stats will
        show you the progress of the ongoing refresh NOT
        IMPLEMENTED It also shows when the last refresh on a
        specific cloud object took place.

    refresh list
        lists all the Clouds that need a refresh


     The folowing command sequences each refresh the clouds named
     india and aws.

         refresh india,aws

         refresh india aws

         refresh india
         refresh aws

      To utilize the refresh command without parameters you need to
      asuse the clouds are activated

         cloud activate india
         cloud activate aws


Select is a command that allows the interactive selection of an item

    select LIST...
    select image CLOUD
    select flavor CLOUD
    select vm CLOUD
    select cloud

    LIST   (parametrized) List of items to choose from
    CLOUD  a single cloudname ti identify from which we select the

    Returns either None or the item that is chosen interactively

    select cloud
        will list all available couds and you can interactively
        select one. The name of the selected cloud is returned.


    list flavor [CLOUD...|--all]
    list image [CLOUD...|--all]
    list vm [CLOUD...|--all]
    list default [CLOUD...|--all]
    list cloud [CLOUD...|--all]


    CLOUD...    (parametrized) the names of the clouds for
                which we want to obtain a list,  e.g. india. If
                no cloud name is provided the default cold is
                used. If instead --all is used all active clouds
                are used. A default cloud an be set with

                   default cloud CLOUD

                If install activated clouds
                ar used. If the cloud is not specifies


    --refresh              refresh data before the list is refreshed
    --group=GROUP          give the group name in list vm
    --detail               for table print format, with all
                           information. This may however be
                           difficult to read as a lot of
                           information may be returned. If the
                           parameter is omitted a small subset
                           is printed. The columns can be defined

                              default CLOUD [image|flavor|vm] COLUMNS

                           This can be overwritten by specifying
                           explicit columns
    --columns=COLUMNS      specify what information to display in
                           the columns of the list command. For
                           example, --column=active,label prints
                           the columns active and label. Available
                           columns are active, label, host,
                           type/version, type, heading, user,
                           credentials, defaults (all to display
                           all, email to display all except
                           credentials and defaults). If the
                           columns parameter is used a single
                           table is returned. If not a table is
                           printed for each cloud.

    --format=FORMAT        output format: table, json, csv, dict
                           [default: table]


    List available flavors, images, vms, projects and clouds If
    the CLOUD name is not specified, the default cloud will
    be used. You can interactively set the default cloud with
    the command 'cloud select'.

    list flavor
      list the flavors
    list image
      list the images
    list vm
      list the vms
    list project
      list the projects
    list cloud
      same as cloud list

    If no cloud is specified it lists the information for all clouds.


    list flavor india aws
       lists the cloud flavors for india and aws. Two different
       tables are returned

    list flavor india aws --detail
       lists the cloud flavors for india and aws with lots of
       details. Two different tables are returned.

    list flavor india aws --columns=cloud,name,cm_id
       lists the cloud flavors for india and aws with the
       cloudname, the name of the flavor, and the unique
       cloudmesh id for this flavor. A single table is returned.

See Also:

    cloud help
    cloud activate CLOUD

Security group

    secgroup list CLOUD TENANT
    secgroup create CLOUD TENANT LABEL
    secgroup delete CLOUD TENANT LABEL
    secgroup rules-list CLOUD TENANT LABEL
    secgroup -h | --help
    secgroup --version

    -h            help message

    CLOUD         Name of the IaaS cloud e.g. india_openstack_grizzly.
    TENANT        Name of the tenant, e.g. fg82.
    LABEL         The label/name of the security group
    FROMPORT      Staring port of the rule, e.g. 22
    TOPORT        Ending port of the rule, e.g. 22
    PROTOCOL      Protocol applied, e.g. TCP,UDP,ICMP
    CIDR          IP address range in CIDR format, e.g.,

    security_group command provides list/add/delete
    security_groups for a tenant of a cloud, as well as
    list/add/delete of rules for a security group from a
    specified cloud and tenant.

    $ secgroup list india fg82
    $ secgroup rules-list india fg82 default
    $ secgroup create india fg82 webservice
    $ secgroup rues-add india fg82 webservice 8080 8088 TCP ""


    cloud refresh
    cloud list [CLOUD...] [--refresh] [--columns=COLUMNS] [--format=FORMAT] [--details]
    cloud alias NAME [CLOUD]
    cloud on [CLOUD...]
    cloud off [CLOUD...]
    cloud TODO remove [CLOUD|--all]   MOVE_TO_REGISTER
    cloud default
    cloud default CLOUD
    cloud set flavor [CLOUD] [--name=NAME|--id=ID]
    cloud set image [CLOUD] [--name=NAME|--id=ID]

TODO: aad the selector


  CLOUD                  the name of a cloud
  YAMLFILE               a yaml file (with full file path) containing
                         cloud information
  NAME                   name for a cloud (or flavor and image)


   --columns=COLUMNS     specify what information to display in
                         the columns of the list command. For
                         example, --column=active,label prints the
                         columns active and label. Available
                         columns are active, label, host,
                         type/version, type, heading, user,
                         credentials, defaults (all to display all,
                         semiall to display all except credentials
                         and defaults)

   --format=FORMAT       output format: table, json, csv

   --all                 display all available columns

   --force               if same cloud exists in database, it will be

   --name=NAME           provide flavor or image name

   --id=ID               provide flavor or image id


    TODO fix the description

    The cloud command allows easy management of clouds in the
    command shell. The following subcommands exist:

    cloud [list] [--column=COLUMN] [--json|--table]
        lists the stored clouds, optionally, specify columns
        for more cloud information. For
        example, --column=active,label

    cloud info [CLOUD|--all] [--json|--table]
        provides the available information about the cloud in dict
        options: specify CLOUD to display it, --all to display all,
                 otherwise selected cloud will be used

    cloud alias NAME [CLOUD]
        sets a new name for a cloud
        options: CLOUD is the original label of the cloud, if
                 it is not specified the default cloud is used.

    cloud select [CLOUD]
        selects a cloud to work with from a list of clouds. If
        the cloud is not specified, it asks for the cloud

    cloud on [CLOUD]
    cloud off [CLOUD]
        activates or deactivates a cloud. if CLOUD is not
        given, the default cloud will be used.

    cloud add YAMLFILE [--force]
        adds the cloud information to database that is
        specified in the YAMLFILE. This file is a yaml. You
        need to specify the full path. Inside the yaml, a
        cloud is specified as follows:

             cloud1: ...
             cloud2: ...

        For examples on how to specify the clouds, please see

        options: --force. By default, existing cloud in
                 database cannot be overwritten, the --force
                 allows overwriting the database values.

    cloud remove [CLOUD|--all]
        remove a cloud from the database, The default cloud is
        used if CLOUD is not specified.
        This command should be used with caution. It is also
        possible to remove all clouds with the option --all

    cloud default [CLOUD|--all]

        show default settings of a cloud, --all to show all clouds

    cloud set flavor [CLOUD] [--name=NAME|--id=ID]

        sets the default flavor for a cloud. If the cloud is
        not specified, it used the default cloud.

    cloud set image [CLOUD] [--name=NAME|--id=ID]

        sets the default flavor for a cloud. If the cloud is
        not specified, it used the default cloud.


    vm start [--name=NAME]
    vm delete [NAME_OR_ID...]
    vm ip assign [NAME_OR_ID...]
    vm ip show [NAME_OR_ID...]
    vm login NAME [--user=USER]
             [--] [COMMAND...]
    vm list [CLOUD|--all]

Arguments: COMMAND   positional arguments, the commands
                     you want to execute on the server
                     (e.g. ls -a), you will get a return
                     of executing result instead of login
                     to the server, note that type in --
                     is suggested before you input the

    NAME_OR_ID  (parametrized for delete) server name or
    CLOUD       (parametrized for list) the name of the
                cloud. If not specified the deafult clod
                will be used
    KEY         the name of the key to be used at login.
    FORMAT      the format
    COLUMNS     the list of columns
    GROUP       the group name


    --columns=COLUMNS      specify what information to display in
                           the columns of the list command.

    --format=FORMAT        output format: table, json, csv, dict
                           [default: table]

    --ip=IP          give the public ip of the server
    --cloud=CLOUD    give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected
                     or default cloud will be used
    --count=COUNT    give the number of servers to start
    --detail         for table print format, a brief version
                     is used as default, use this flag to print
                     detailed table
    --flavor=FLAVOR_OR_ID  give the name or id of the flavor
    --group=GROUP          give the group name of server
    --image=IMAGE_OR_ID    give the name or id of the image
    --key=KEY        spicfy a key to use, input a string which
                     is the full path to the public key
                     file [deafult: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pb]
    --user=USER      give the user name of the server that you want
                     to use to login
    --name=NAME      give the name of the virtual machine
    --force          delete vms without user's confirmation

    commands used to start or delete servers of a cloud

    vm start [options...]       start servers of a cloud, user may specify
                                flavor, image .etc, otherwise default values
                                will be used, see how to set default values
                                of a cloud: cloud help
    vm delete [options...]      delete servers of a cloud, user may delete
                                a server by its name or id, delete servers
                                of a group or servers of a cloud, give prefix
                                and/or range to find servers by their names.
                                Or user may specify more options to narrow
                                the search
    vm ip assign [options...]   assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud
    vm ip show [options...]     show the ips of VMs
    vm login [options...]       login to a server or execute commands on it
    vm list [options...]        same as command "list vm", please refer to it

    in some cases the VM name is parameterized which is very
    convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3]
    => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']
    sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18']

    vm start --count=5 --group=test --cloud=india
            start 5 servers on india and give them group
            name: test

    vm delete --group=test --names=sample_[1-9]
            delete servers on selected or default cloud with search conditions:
            group name is test and the VM names are among sample_1 ... sample_9

    vm ip show --names=sample_[1-5,9] --format=json
            show the ips of VM names among sample_1 ... sample_5 and sample_9 in
            json format


    volume list
    volume create SIZE
    volume delete VOLUME
    volume attach SERVER VOLUME DEVICE
    volume detach SERVER VOLUME
    volume show VOLUME
    volume SNAPSHOT-LIST
    volume snapshot-create VOLUME-ID
    volume snapshot-delete SNAPSHOT
    volume snapshot-show SNAPSHOT
    volume help

volume management

    SIZE              Size of volume in GB
    VOLUME            Name or ID of the volume to delete
    VOLUME-ID         ID of the volume to snapshot
    SERVER            Name or ID of server(VM).
    DEVICE            Name of the device e.g. /dev/vdb. Use "auto" for
                      autoassign (if supported)
    SNAPSHOT          Name or ID of the snapshot

    --snapshot-id SNAPSHOT-ID     Optional snapshot id to create
                                  the volume from.  (Default=None)
    --image-id IMAGE-ID           Optional image id to create the
                                  volume from.  (Default=None)
    --display-name DISPLAY-NAME   Optional volume name. (Default=None)
    --display-description DISPLAY-DESCRIPTION
                                  Optional volume description. (Default=None)
    --volume-type VOLUME-TYPE
                                  Optional volume type. (Default=None)
    --availability-zone AVAILABILITY-ZONE
                                  Optional Availability Zone for
                                  volume. (Default=None)
    --force                       Optional flag to indicate whether to snapshot a
                                  volume even if its
                                  attached to an
                                  instance. (Default=False)

    volume list
        List all the volumes
    volume create SIZE [options...]
        Add a new volume
    volume delete VOLUME
        Remove a volume
    volume attach SERVER VOLUME DEVICE
        Attach a volume to a server
    volume-detach SERVER VOLUME
        Detach a volume from a server
    volume show VOLUME
        Show details about a volume
    volume snapshot-list
        List all the snapshots
    volume snapshot-create VOLUME-ID [options...]
        Add a new snapshot
    volume snapshot-delete SNAPSHOT
        Remove a snapshot
    volume-snapshot-show SNAPSHOT
        Show details about a snapshot
    volume help
        Prints the nova manual


    status db
    status CLOUD...

Shows system status

        shows the status of al relevant subystems

    status db
        shows the status of the db

    status CLOUD...
        shows the status of the clouds specified

Stack (Hyungro)

OpenStack Heat DevOps Tools

    stack start NAME [--template=TEMPLATE] [--param=PARAM]
    stack stop NAME
    stack show NAME
    stack list [--refresh] [--column=COLUMN] [--format=FORMAT]
    stack help | -h


  NAME           stack name
  help           Prints this message


   -v       verbose mode


      OpenStack Cloud supports software deployment with the Heat
      DevOps tool. Resources e.g. Security Group, Nova Server, or
      Floating IP can be defined to start a new stack.  Particular
      tasks defined in 'user_data' section will be executed by
      CloudInit on boot.


      Start a Hadoop stack:
      cm> stack start hadoop --tempate=https://github.com/cloudmesh/cloudmesh/blob/master/heat-templates/ubuntu-14.04/hadoop-cluster/hadoop2.7-cluster.yaml --param='KeyName=abc;PublicKeyString=abc;PrivateKeyString=abc;UserName=abc'

      Stop a stack:
      cm> stack stop hadoop

      Show stack information:
      cm> stack show hadoop

      List running stacks:
      cm> stack list

notebook (not)

    notebook create
    notebook start
    notebook delete

Manages the ipython notebook server


   -v       verbose mode


    project info [--format=FORMAT]
    project default NAME
    project active NAME
    project delete NAME
    project completed NAME


    NAME           The project id
    FORMAT         The display format. (json, table)

    Manages the user's projects

    project info
        show project information
    project default
        set the default project
    project active
        set/add an active project,
    project delete
        delete the project
    project completed
        set a completed project, this will remove the project
        from active projects list and default project if it is


    loglevel critical
    loglevel error
    loglevel warning
    loglevel info
    loglevel debug

    Shows current log level or changes it.

    loglevel - shows current log level
    critical - shows log message in critical level
    error    - shows log message in error level including critical
    warning  - shows log message in warning level including error
    info     - shows log message in info level including warning
    debug    - shows log message in debug level including info


Software Launcher in Cloudmesh
- works with Chef Cookbooks and OpenStack Heat

      launcher start MENU
      launcher stop STACK_NAME
      launcher list
      launcher show STACK_NAME
      launcher menu [--column=COLUMN] [--format=FORMAT]
      launcher import [FILEPATH] [--force]
      launcher export FILEPATH
      launcher help | -h


    MENU           Name of a cookbook
    STACK_NAME     Name of a launcher
    FILEPATH       Filepath
    COLUMN         column name to display
    FORMAT         display format (json, table)
    help           Prints this message


     -v       verbose mode


      `launcher` command helps you to deploy software stacks on the
      cloud with Chef Cookbooks.  If you define your launcher sub
      command (menu) in ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh_launhcer.yaml,
      `launcher` command reads the YAML file and provides available
      software stacks.


      Launcher start:
      cm> launcher start openmpi

      Launcher stop:
      cm> launcher stop openmpi

      List running launcher stacks:
      cm> launcher list

      List available launcher software stacks:
      cm> launcher menu


          key -h|--help
          key list [--source=SOURCE] [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]
          key add [--keyname=KEYNAME] FILENAME
          key default [KEYNAME]
          key delete KEYNAME

   Manages the keys


     SOURCE         mongo, yaml, ssh
     KEYNAME        The name of a key
     FORMAT         The format of the output (table, json, yaml)
     FILENAME       The filename with full path in which the key
                    is located


      --dir=DIR            the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh]
      --format=FORMAT      the format of the output [default: table]
      --source=SOURCE      the source for the keys [default: mongo]
      --keyname=KEYNAME    the name of the keys


   key list --source=ssh  [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]

      lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not
      specified the default will be ~/.ssh

   key list --source=yaml  [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT]

      lists all keys in cloudmesh.yaml file in the specified directory.
       dir is by default ~/.cloudmesh

   key list [--format=FORMAT]

       list the keys in mongo

   key add [--keyname=keyname] FILENAME

       adds the key specifid by the filename to mongodb

   key list

        Prints list of keys. NAME of the key can be specified

   key default [NAME]

        Used to set a key from the key-list as the default key if NAME
        is given. Otherwise print the current default key

   key delete NAME

        deletes a key. In yaml mode it can delete only key that
        are not saved in mongo

Inventory (not, Gregor)

       inventory clean
       inventory create image DESCRIPTION
       inventory create server [dynamic] DESCRIPTION
       inventory create service [dynamic] DESCRIPTION
       inventory exists server NAME
       inventory exists service NAME
       inventory print
       inventory info [--cluster=CLUSTER] [--server=SERVER]
       inventory list [--cluster=CLUSTER] [--server=SERVER]
       inventory server NAME
       inventory service NAME

Manages the inventory

    clean       cleans the inventory
    server      define servers


  DESCRIPTION    The hostlist"i[009-011],i[001-002]"

  NAME           The name of a service or server


   v       verbose mode

Experiment (do, Gregor)

       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED clean
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED delete NAME
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED create [NAME]
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED info [NAME]
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED cloud NAME
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED image NAME
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED flavour NAME
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED index NAME
       exp NOTIMPLEMENTED count N

Manages the vm


  NAME           The name of a service or server
  N              The number of VMs to be started


   -v       verbose mode

debug (not cmd3, Gregor)

      debug on
      debug off

      Turns the debug log level on and off.


Create a Virtual Cluster

       cluster list [--format=FORMAT]
       cluster create NAME
       cluster show NAME
       cluster remove NAME

       NAME        cluster name or group name

       --count=COUNT              give the number of VMs to add into the cluster
       --user=USER                give the username
       --cloud=CLOUD              give a cloud to work on
       --flavor=FLAVOR            give the name of the flavor
       --flavorid=FLAVORID        give the id of the flavor
       --image=IMG                give the name of the image
       --imageid=IMGID            give the id of the image
       --force                    if a group exists and there are VMs in it, the program will
                                  ask user to proceed or not, use this flag to respond yes as
                                  default(if there are VMs in the group before creating this
                                  cluster, the program will include the exist VMs into the cluster)
       --grouponly                remove the group only without removing the VMs, otherwise
                                  cluster remove command will remove all the VMs of this cluster
       FORMAT                     output format: table, json, csv
       COLUMN                     customize what information to display, for example:
                                  --column=status,addresses prints the columns status
                                  and addresses
       --detail                   for table print format, a brief version
                                  is used as default, use this flag to print
                                  detailed table

       Cluster Management

       cluster list
           list the clusters

       cluster create NAME --count=COUNT --user=USER [options...]
           Start a cluster of VMs, and each of them can log into all others.
           CAUTION: you should do some default setting before using
           this command:
           1. select cloud to work on, e.g. cloud select india
           2. activate the cloud, e.g. cloud on india
           3. set the default key to start VMs, e.g. key default [NAME]
           4. set the start name of VMs, which is prefix and index, e.g. label --prefix=test --id=1
           5. set image of VMs, e.g. default image
           6. set flavor of VMs, e.g. default flavor
           Also, it is better to choose a unused group name

       cluster show NAME
           show the detailed information about the cluster VMs

       cluster remove NAME [--grouponly]
           remove the cluster and its VMs, if you want to remove the cluster(group name)
           without removing the VMs, use --grouponly flag


         Create Virtual Cluster consist of 3 VM instances with m1.small
         server size and Ubuntu 14.04 base image
         cm> cluster create vc --count=3  --image=futuresystems/ubuntu-14.04 --flavor=m1.small


  admin password reset
  admin version


    admin password reset
       reset portal password

    admin version
       prints the version numbers of cloudmesh and its plugins